Expired exemptions

Exemption notice 1 M-co - obsolete

Exemption notice 4 Todd, King Country - obsolete

Exemption notice 8 - obsolete

Exemption 8 Original - obsolete

Exemption notice 13 variation Trustpower - obsolete

Exemption notice 13 variation Trustpower - obsolete

Exemption notice 13 variation Trustpower - obsolete

Exemption notice 13 amendment - obsolete 

Exemption 13 original - obsolete 

Exemption notice 17 amendment Jade - obsolete

Exemption notice 17 original - obsolete

Exemption notice 21 variation Alinta ENZ - obsolete 

Exemption notice 21 variation Alinta ENZ - obsolete

Exemption notice 21 Alinta ENZ - obsolete

Exemption 22 amended - obsolete 

Exemption 22 original Contact, Duke, MRP, Southpark - obsolete 

Exemption notice 23 Transpower - obsolete 

Exemption notice 24 Energy Clearing House - obsolete 

Exemption notice 25 amended 24 March 2005 - obsolete 

Exemption notice 25 Energy Clearing House - obsolete 

Exemption 25 revoked - obsolete

Exemption notice 26 Amendment Transpower, Alinta, Meridian, Contact, Genesis - obsolete 

Exemption notice 26 - obsolete

Exemption notice 28 Todd Energy and Whareroa Co-generation Ltd - obsolete

Exemption notice 28 Todd Energy Ltd and Whareroa Co-generation Ltd - obsolete 

Exemption notice 32 Genesis Energy May 07 - obsolete

Exemption notice 32 Genesis Energy - obsolete

Exemption notice 35 Transpower NZ confirmation - obsolete

Exemption notice 35 Transpower NZ Ltd - obsolete 

Exemption notice 38 System Operator annual self-review - obsolete

Exemption notice 40 - Pricing Manager amendment 

Exemption notice 40 - Pricing Manager amendment

Exemption notice 40 Pricing Manager original

Exemption notice 42 - confirmation - Genesis Energy, Contact Energy, Mighty River Power, Alinta, Transpower - obsolete

Exemption notice 42 - obsolete 

Exemption 44 - Pricing Manager - obsolete 

Exemption notice 45 Transpower - obsolete 

Exemption No. 47 - Meridian Energy Limited amendment

Exemption No, 47 Meridian Energy Limited original 

Exemption No. 48 Electricity Ashburton Limited and Orion New Zealand Limited 

Exemption notice 49 Distributors - obsolete 

Exemption notice 50 Retailers - obsolete 

Exemption notice 51 Retailers and Registry - obsolete 

Exemption notice 52 Registry - obsolete

Exemption notice 53 Registry and Users - obsolete

Exemption notice 54 Registry - obsolete

Exemption notice 55 Distributors - obsolete

Exemption notice 56 Registry - obsolete

Exemption notice 57 Retailers - obsolete 

Exemption notice 58 Reconciliation Manager - obsolete 

Exemption notice 59 Registry - obsolete 

Exemption notice 60 Data Administrators and Registry - obsolete 

Exemption notice 61 System Operator Policy Statement 2008 - obsolete 

Exemption notice 63 Transpower - obsolete 

Exemption notice 66 Traders on Listed Networks - obsolete

Exemption notice 67 Reconciliation Manager - obsolete 

Exemption notice 68 all Participants - obsolete

Exemption No. 77 Nelson Electricity Limited 

Exemption notice 79 Energy Online amendment - obsolete

Exemption notice 79 Energy Online amendment - obsolete

Exemption notice 79 Energy Online original - obsolete

Exemption notice 80 Bosco Connect Ltd amendment - obsolete

Exemption notice 80 Bosco Connect Ltd amendment - obsolete 

Exemption notice 80 Bosco Connect Ltd original - obsolete

Exemption notice 81 Auckland Gas Limited amendment - obsolete

Exemption notice 81 Auckland Gas Limited amendment - obsolete

Exemption notice 81 Auckland Gas Limited - obsolete 

Exemption notice 82 Bay of Plenty Energy Limited amendment - obsolete

Exemption notice 82 Bay of Plenty Energy Limited amendment - obsolete 

Exemption notice 82 Bay of Plenty Energy Limited original - obsolete 

Exemption notice 83 Reconciliation Manager - obsolete 

Exemption notice 86 Transpower amendment - obsolete 

Exemption notice 86 Transpower original - obsolete

Exemption notice 89 System Operator - obsolete

Amendment to Exemption Notice 89 - obsolete 

Revocation of Exemption Notice 89 - obsolete

Exemption notice 90 Reconciliation Participants - obsolete 

Exemption notice 93 Reconciliation Participants and Reconciliation Manager - obsolete

Revocation of Exemption 93 - obsolete

Exemption notice 95 Transpower - obsolete 

Exemption notice 99 Orion New Zealand Limited - obsolete

Exemption notice 100 Contact Energy - obsolete

Exemption notice 102 Transpower - obsolete 

Exemption notice 104 Orion New Zealand Limited - obsolete

Exemption notice 105 Class A Approved test houses - obsolete 

Exemption notice 107 TrustPower Litd -obsolete

Exemption notice 108 TrustPower Ltd - obsolete

Exemption notice 110 Nga Awa Purua Joint Venture - obsolete 

Exemption notice 111 System Operator - obsolete 

Exemption notice 112 Clearing Manager - obsolete

Exemption notice 113 System Operator - obsolete 

Exemption notice 114 Mighty River Power Limited - obsolete

Exemption notice 116 Contact Energy Limited - obsolete 

Exemption notice 117 Contact Energy Limited - obsolete

Exemption notice 119 TrustPower Limited - obsolete 

Exemption notice 120 Transpower New Zealand Limited - obsolete 

Exemption notice 121 TrustPower Limited - obsolete 

Exemption notice 122 Meridian Energy Limited, Orion New Zealand Limited and MainPower New Zealand Limited - obsolete 

Exemption notice 125 Reconciliation - obsolete 

Exemptions from AUFLS

Exemption 3 Norske Skog Tasman Ltd amendment 

Exemption 3 Norske Skog Tasman Ltd amendment 

Exemption 3 Norske Skog Tasman Ltd amendment

Exemption 3 Norske Skog Tasman Ltd variation 

Norske Skog original 

Exemption 15 Northpower Ltd amendment 

Exemption 15 Northpower Ltd amendment 

Exemption 15 Northpower Ltd amendment 

Exemption 15 Northpower Ltd variation 

Northpower original 

Exemption 18 Winstone International Pulp and Paper amendment 

Exemption 18 Winstone International Pulp and Paper amendment 

Exemption 18 Winstone International Pulp and Paper amendment

Exemption 18 Winstone International Pulp and Paper variation 

Winstone original 

Exemption 19 Toll NZ Ltd amendment

Exemption 19 Toll NZ Ltd amendment

Exemption 19 Toll NZ Ltd amendment 

Exemption 19 Toll NZ Ltd variation 

Toll NZ original

Exemption 27 Pan Pac Forest Products amendment

Exemption 27 Pan Pac Forest Products amendment

Exemption 27 Pan Pac Forest Products amendment

Exemption 27 Pan Pac Forest Products variation

Pan Pac original

Exemption notice 103 New Zealand Steel amendment

Exemption notice 103 New Zealand Steel original