This workshop had the following objectives:

  1. understanding retailers' concerns as to the aspects of distribution pricing that can be a barrier to retail competition;
  2. identifying what aspects of distribution pricing may be relatively easily standardised, including confirming common terminology and definitions for distribution access and pricing, as well as the basis for a common tariff format across distributors (including standardisation of customer categories);
  3. seeking feedback from stakeholders on revised draft pricing principles and methodological requirements; and
  4. discussing the merits, or otherwise, of a more or less mandatory approach.

As part of the preparation and facilitation of the workshop, the Commission approached a retailer (Mercury Energy - Nigel Williams) and a distributor (Orion - Rob Jamieson) to consider what matters could be discussed and progressed under item (2) above. Interested parties were encouraged to contact the representatives mentioned above with suggestions as to what could be standardised by mutual agreement between retailers and distributors.

The Commission factored in appropriate material provided or discussed at the workshop into its final approach.

The following presentations were made at the workshop: