Final decision on actions to correct

The Authority has decided on actions to correct the 3-27 December 2019 Undesirable Trading Situation. The decision paper is available below.

The Authority has decided to reset prices between 3 and 27 December 2019.

Independent assurance review: 2019 UTS correction implementation

The Electricity Authority commissioned an independent assurance review of the re-settlement process for the 2019 UTS actions to correct.

The independent assurance review was undertaken by Robinson Bowmaker Paul.

Consultation paper - Proposed Actions to Correct 2019 UTS

The Authority published a Proposed Actions to Correct: Undesirable Trading Situation 2019 paper for consultation. The UTS provisions of the Code require the Authority to attempt to correct such situations and restore the normal operation of the market.

The Authority called for submissions on the proposed actions to correct. Submissions closed on 27 April 2021. The Authority opened a three-week cross submission consultation period which closed 5.00pm, 19 May 2021.

Submissions and cross submissions are published below.

UTS Proposed Actions to Correct - Cross submissions

UTS Proposed Actions to Correct - Submissions

Estimated nodal prices

The Authority has published estimated nodal prices (using vSPD) for each of the options outlined in the actions to correct consultation paper link)

Media release: Authority proposes actions to correct 2019 UTS - 11 March 2021

Technical briefing

On Thursday, 18 March 2021 the Authority held a technical briefing on the proposed actions to correct consultation paper. The slides and a video from that briefing are available below.

UTS proposed actions to correct technical briefing

The Authority has found there was a UTS between 3 December and 27 December 2019. The Authority’s decision document, previous consultation documents and submissions are published below.

Media release 22 December 2020 - Lack of competitive pressure leads to an undesirable trading situation

The Authority is working on a preliminary 'actions to correct' paper for consultation. We intend to release the preliminary paper by the end of March 2021.

The claim
UTS preliminary decision - supplementary consultation
UTS preliminary decision - supplementary consultation submissions
October 2020 summary of activities
Preliminary decision
Preliminary decision cross-submissions
Preliminary decision submissions
Technical briefing


The claim 

UTS preliminary decision - Supplementary consultation

UTS preliminary decision - Supplementary consultation submissions

October 2020 summary of activities

Preliminary decision

Preliminary decision cross-submissions

Contact Energy


Preliminary decision submissions

If you have submitted on this UTS claim and cannot see the submission, please contact

We have published additional data files provided in support of some submissions on the preliminary decision paper.  These files are on our EMI website(external link).

Ecotricity, Electric Kiwi, Flick Electric, Haast Energy Trading, Oji Fibre Solutiong and Vocus - Joint submission

Meridian Energy

Neil Walbran submission


Technical briefing

The Authority held a technical briefing on this preliminary decision on Friday 17 July 2020.

Thanks to everyone who attended. For those who couldn’t make it, you can view the slides and the recorded briefing below.