Archive - Market to enable renewables
In this section you find information about renewable technology work initiated by the Electricity Commission.
In the future it is likely that widespread collective international concerns about the possible effects of global warming will result in the cost of carbon dioxide emission being reflected in thermal fuel costs. If these carbon costs increase over time then investment in higher levels of renewable generation will be economically efficient and a potential outcome of this is that by 2020 over 90% of energy generation in New Zealand would be provided from renewable sources.
New Zealand Wind Energy Conference 2009
On 21 April 2009, the Commission made a presentation at the New Zealand Wind Energy Conference to outline the achievements of phase 1 of the TTER project as well as to update delegates of the progress being made on phase 2. A copy of the presentation is available below:
The Commission also made 2 other presentations to the Conference, details can be found on the wind integration page.
Emerging technologies
The Commission is required to publish a Statement of Opportunities (SOO) as part of its duties in overseeing aspects of transmission investment. Rule 9.1.2 states that the purpose of a SOO is to enable identification of potential opportunities for efficient management of the grid, including investment in upgrades and transmission alternatives. In practice, a SOO also has a wider role to play in informing stakeholders about possible future developments in the power system.
The 2008 SOO did not contain specific information relating to emerging technologies (for instance, the potential for marine and solar energy). The Commission considers that it is important to understand the potential impact of such technologies on the New Zealand electricity market. Accordingly, a work programme has been initiated to look further into emerging technologies and their effects.
The programme will also include sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of key drivers, such as carbon price on the SOO scenarios.
This work will have multiple benefits, such as providing the Commission with information about the status and impacts of emerging technologies, and giving industry participants and other governmental agencies a better perspective of the implications of the adoption of new technologies on the New Zealand energy market. It may also contribute to the development of the next SOO.
Below is the list of issues that have been studied so far:
- Development of Marine Energy in New Zealand(external link)
- Cost estimates for thermal peaking plant (229 KB)
- Nuclear Feasibility for a New Zealand System
It is not anticipated that there will be formal consultation on this work. Feedback from participants is welcome at any time and, if relevant, will be taken into consideration. Some work published on this webpage may be included in subsequent Grid Planning Assumptions (GPAs), and in that case would be consulted on during their development.
Archive - Transmission to enable renewables - phase 1
Published: 29/01/2014 12:00am
The Electricity Commission commenced preliminary work on Phase 1 of the Transmission to enable renewables project. Read More
Archive - Transmission to enable renewables - phase 2
Published: 28/01/2014 12:00am
The Electricity Commission commenced preliminary work on Phase 2 of the Transmission to enable renewables project. Read More