Reconciliation profiles
A profile is a fixed or variable electricity use pattern that is assigned to a particular group of meter registers or unmetered loads.
Profiling allows generators or retailers to estimate how much electricity each customer has generated or used in each half hour period by defining standard use patterns that are applied to the total use of the customer in the period.
A profile is used for reconciliation purposes. Electricity use must be allocated to the generator or retailer who sold or purchased it in each half hour. In the absence of half-hourly metering, estimates must be made. Profiles make accurate estimation possible.
Any standard profile owned by us may be used. Any profile that is not standard may only be used if it has been approved by us in accordance with schedule 15.5 of the Code.
Profile information guidelines v1.1
Profile-Information-Guideline-v1.1.pdf (PDF, 316 KB)
Last updated: 12 November 2020
Approved Profiles v2.35 1.5.22
Approved-Profiles-v2.35-1_05_2022.pdf (PDF, 299 KB)
Last updated: 12 May 2022