The EIEPs have been developed and revised over a period of many years, supported and coordinated by the Authority, and informed by industry consultation and a panel of industry representatives called the Standing Data Formats Group.

The following EIEPs were consulted on in 2021 with changes made:

  • EIEP5A: the Authority proposed to increase the interruption reason field from 50 characters to 255 characters. Read more here.
  • EIEP13A, 13B, and 13C: the Authority proposed to increase the unique request identifier field from 15 characters to 36 characters. Read more here.

There are currently 14 different EIEPs, covering a diverse range of electricity information routinely exchanged between traders and distributors, and retailers and third party providers.

EIEPs 1, 2 and 3, relating to the exchange of volume and billing information, are already in force. 

EIEP5A, relating to planned service interruptions, has been made mandatory with the effective date to be advised after the delivery mechanism has been determined.

EIEP12, relating to distributor tariff rate change information is already in force.

EIEPs 13A, 13B and 13C, relating to the request and exchange of consumer consumption information, are already in force.

Electricity information exchange protocols (EIEPs) – Regulated EIEPS

The remainder of the EIEPs are agreed between industry participants, and retailers and third party providers and not regulated. However we encourage industry participants to use the latest versions of these EIEPs.

Electricity information exchange protocols (EIEPs) – Non-regulated EIEPS

The information covered by the EIEPs (and any other information) may be exchanged using the registry’s EIEP exchange hub’s secure file transfer protocol (SFTP). This allows the encrypted exchange of information directly between participants. The registry user manual has guidance on this method of transmission.

The registry manager website(external link)

How to change or review a protocol

To request a change to an EIEP or to review an EIEP, fill out the application form and return it to our market operations team.


Electricity information exchange protocol (EIEP) overview documents

All EIEPs should be read in conjunction with the following two documents:

Electricity information exchange protocol overview

Glossary of standard terms