Profiling allows for the identification of individual retailer energy purchases in each half hour at each network supply point (NSP).

Settlement methods - Profiles

The ability of competing retailers to develop and maintain their own profiles is a key component of contestability in the retail market. In our role as market administrator we either approve or reject new profiles.

Profiles are subject to random audits. Any industry participant may request a selective audit of any other industry participant’s compliance under the Code and the application and use of any profiles.

The use of profiles in the reconciliation process must be audited by the market administrator in accordance with Schedule 15.5 of the Code.

What the profile audit covers

  • the documents detailing the methodology of the profile
  • the application of dynamic and estimated elements of the profile
  • the profile population list.

Appropriate supporting information is used and archived.

The market administrator is also required to review the structure of every approved profile at least every three years.

Each review must determine whether:

  • the criteria for profile definition are still appropriate, and
  • if applicable, the existing sample be presented.

More information

For any further information or questions contact the market operations team.
