Regulatory framework survey
The regulatory framework survey (formerly the compliance survey) assesses how participants perceive, use and understand the Electricity Industry Act 2010 (Act), the regulations made under the Act and the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 (Code).
We are responsible for developing and administering the Code and making sure participants are compliant with the Code, so the results of the survey provide valuable insights into our current procedures and processes.
We also use the results of the survey to assist in the development of participant education and to ensure there is increased awareness of the Act, regulations under the Act and the Code.
Surveys undertaken to date
Download a ZIP file containing all documents
2015 Regulatory framework survey
2015-Regulatory-framework-survey.pdf (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Last updated: 11 January 2016
2014 Compliance survey
2014-Compliance-survey.pdf (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Last updated: 11 January 2016
2012 Compliance survey
2012-Compliance-survey.pdf (PDF, 1 MB)
Last updated: 11 January 2016
2012 Stakeholder in-depth interviews
2012-Stakeholder-in-depth-interviews.pdf (PDF, 880 KB)
Last updated: 11 January 2016