Interactive dashboards
Use our interactive dashboards to find out more about New Zealand's electricity market.
For further insights, visit the EMI website(external link) for a wide range of tools and information. You can explore data within reports, download information, interact with complex modelling tools, and engage in discussions related to the information presented.
Retail market snapshot
The retail market snapshot highlights key changes in the New Zealand retail electricity market over time. We encourage users to engage and interact with the information to see how the electricity market has evolved since 2010.
Wholesale market snapshot
The wholesale market snapshot highlights key facts and figures about the New Zealand wholesale electricity market in the most recent quarter. It also contains a range of quick facts about how elements of the market work, a history of power station construction, and other useful background information.
Hedging with base load futures
This tool is designed to allow you to simulate the outcomes of purchasing electricity futures contracts. It describes the role futures contracts may play for either a retailer or an industrial consumer. The retailer would adopt a strategy that achieves some price certainty, so their purchase cost remains lower than the price they are charging customers. The industrial consumer would likely have a budget for electricity and would wish to ensure they stay within that budget.
Hedging strategies
Make selections from several parameters in order to adopt a strategy to build up a hedge position anywhere from six to 18 months ahead of time. Actual historical data from both the physical spot market and the futures market is then used to report how the strategy plays out financially from a hedging perspective.
Trading conduct summary
The trading conduct summary provides high-level indicators of trading conduct. Users can look at an overview of the previous week’s wholesale market and get more detailed data by day and trading period.
Internal transfer pricing benchmark tool
The benchmark tool allows users to compare the internal transfer prices (ITPs) of the large integrated generator retailers to a series of benchmarks. The tool makes it easier to interpret the ITP information and the methodologies used to derive it.