Stakeholder briefing
Stakeholder briefing on proposed changes to official conservation campaigns and the hydro risk curves
Time: 12.30-3.30pm (with optional lunch from 12noon)
Date: Thursday, 20 December
Location: Electricity Authority, Level 7, 2 Hunter Street, Wellington
The Electricity Authority and Transpower are jointly hosting a briefing on two projects that relate to security of supply. The briefing will follow after the Authority’s meeting of regulatory managers and consumer representatives. It will also be broadcast by videoconference (details to be confirmed).
The two projects are:
- the Authority’s Review of regulatory settings for official conservation campaigns
- Transpower’s Review of the security of supply forecasting and information policy.
These two projects deal with similar subject matter and both have dependencies on the other. As such, the Authority and Transpower have released consultations simultaneously on 11 December.
The consultations propose various changes designed to improve the reliability of the system, including:
- the inclusion of contingent hydro storage
- setting the start- and stop-triggers for official conservation campaigns
- arrangements to ensure contingent hydro storage remains accessible
- using floors to avoid contingent hydro storage being inaccessible.
The joint briefing will cover:
- an introduction to how the current arrangements function
- the proposed changes (collectively and individually) and rationale
- the alternatives.
The briefing is an opportunity for participants to hear from the project teams and better understand the outcome of the two projects. Feel free to share this invite with interested colleagues.
To register for the event, please email with the following details:
- Name
- Organisation
- If you will be attending in person or would like to video conference
- If you would like to join for lunch from 12noon
Joint industry briefing OCCs and SOSFIP
Joint-industry-briefing-OCCs-and-SOSFIP.PDF (PDF, 1.7 MB)
Slides from briefing
Last updated: 21 December 2018