If you’re unhappy with the service your power company provides, start by making the complaint directly to your power company. Make sure you use the word ‘complaint’ when you call or email.

The power company generally has 20 working days to resolve the complaint.

The Electricity Authority does not handle complaints related to service or billing.

If your power company does not resolve your complaint, you can contact Utilities Disputes Ltd(external link), a free and independent dispute resolution service.

Freephone: 0800 22 33 40 

Email: info@utilitiesdisputes.co.nz

If you believe your power company has breached the Code, start by making the complaint directly to your power company.

When you call or email your power company, specify that you think they have breached the Code.

They must promptly, thoroughly, and fairly investigate your complaint and take appropriate action.

You power company must inform both you and the Authority of the outcome.

If your power company does not resolve your complaint, they must notify both you and the Authority of the outcome.

You can also notify the Authority that you think your power company has breached the Code, in which case we will assess the alleged breach and decide on the next steps.

See the following pages for more information:

If you believe your company has breached the Code, and they do not resolve your complaint, we can assess the alleged breach and decide on the next steps. See above for more information.

We do not handle complaints related to service or billing – see the first two questions on this page for the correct process for these.

For more information about the Authority’s role, see What does the Electricity Authority do?

If you have a complaint about the way in which we have carried out, or failed to carry out, our role you can contact us in the first instance at:

Email: info@ea.govt.nz

Phone: +64 4 460 8860 

Post: Electricity Authority
Level 7, Harbour Tower
2 Hunter Street
PO Box 10041
Wellington 6143
New Zealand

If you feel we have not adequately resolved your complaint, you can contact the Office of the Ombudsman(external link)who can investigate complaints and make recommendations to us to resolve your problem.