Draft decision
A draft decision was published for consultation on 6 May 2011.
Submissions on the draft decision closed on Friday 13 May 2011 and cross submissions closed on Thursday 19 May 2011.
The Authority was requested to publish the vSPD cases it used to calculate the remedial pricing cases in the draft decision.
Input files vSPD
Input-files-vSPD.zip (ZIP, 7.2 MB)
Last updated: 28 June 2015
The draft final prices in the draft decision was provided in a spreadsheet.
Draft remedial pricing
DraftremedialpricingHLY.xls (XLS, 955 KB)
Last updated: 28 June 2015
The draft remedial pricing spreadsheet inadvertently included trading period 21 on 26 March 2011. A revised draft remedial pricing spreadsheet with trading period 21 removed was published.
Draft remedial pricing (trading period 21 removed)
Draft-remedial-pricing.xls (XLS, 1.8 MB)
Last updated: 28 June 2015