24 April 2004
A UTS claim was made by TrustPower in respect of events which resulted in price spikes during trading periods 36, 37 and 38 at Tauranga and nearby nodes on 24 April 2004.
The effect of this was that for the Tauranga node and trading period 36 a relatively ‘normal’ dispatch price of $68.88/MWh was followed by a five minute price (averaged over the half hour) of $54,901.85/MWh and a provisional price of $8,242.67/MWh.
UTS 27 April 2004 - claim
memo-participants-UTS-27Apr04.pdf (PDF, 33 KB)
Last updated: 19 August 2016
The Electricity Commission Board considered the circumstances and the claim and found that because of a Transpower error in failing to remove a constraint when it had advised participants that it would, an undesirable trading situation existed during the trading period in respect of the Tauranga node. Following consultation with affected participants, the Commission directed the pricing manager to calculate the prices for trading period 36 on the basis that the Tauranga Constraint was removed.
Download a ZIP file containing all documents
UTS 24 August 2004 - decision
decision-uts-24apr04.pdf (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Last updated: 29 June 2015
UTS 24 April 2004 - submission summary
submission-summary-uts-24apr04.pdf (PDF, 416 KB)
Last updated: 29 June 2015
UTS 24 April 2004 - submissions
Submissions-uts-24apr04.pdf (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Last updated: 29 June 2015
UTS 13 May 2004 - update
update-on-uts-13-may-2004.pdf (PDF, 27 KB)
Last updated: 19 August 2016
UTS 24 April 2004 - rpt consultation
rpt-consultation-uts-24Apr04.pdf (PDF, 142 KB)
Last updated: 29 June 2015