14 August 2008
A UTS claim was made by TrustPower Ltd on 14 August 2008 in respect of settlement of non half hour purchase volumes for the months of February to July 2008 which it believed would be incorrect as a consequence of the transition from reconciliation by differing by network supply point (NSP) to global reconciliation.
The transition took place on 1 May 2008 when Part J of the Rules came into effect.
UTS 14 August 2008 - claim
claim-14Aug08.pdf (PDF, 91 KB)
Last updated: 21 August 2016
The Electricity Commission Board considered the undesirable trading situation claim made by TrustPower on 14 August 2008. It found that while the issue raised by TrustPower was a serious one, the circumstances giving rise to the undesirable trading situation claim by TrustPower did not meet the regulatory requirements for an undesirable trading situation.
UTS 22 August 2008 - decision Trustpower
decision-trustpower-22Aug08.pdf (PDF, 31 KB)
Last updated: 21 August 2016