The Code

The Code sets out industry participant responsibilities, including our own duties and responsibilities.

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Last updated: 15 February 2023

Part 1 - Preliminary provisions

Part 1 contains the interpretation section which sets out the definitions of the bolded words used in the Code.

Part 2 - Availability of Information

Part 2 sets out a participant’s right to request Code information from the Authority. It also includes obligations on the Authority and on participants to respond to requests for Code information and includes rights to appeal where a request is refused.

Part 3 - Market operation service providers

Part 3 sets out certain terms relating to arrangements between the Authority and market operation service providers.

Part 4 - Force majeure provisions relating to ancillary service agents

Part 4 sets out the terms on which force majeure relief will be available to ancillary service agents.

Part 5 - Regime for dealing with undesirable trading situations

Part 5 sets out how the Authority will deal with undesirable trading situations. It includes criteria for investigating undesirable trading situations and details directions the Authority may order to be taken to correct an undesirable trading situation.

Part 6 - Connection of distributed generation

Part 6 sets out provisions relating to the connection of distributed generation. It provides a framework to enable the connection of distributed generation and sets out the regulated terms that will apply unless parties have agreed otherwise.

Part 6A - Separation of distribution from certain generation and retailing

Part 6A sets out rules and requirements that restrict relationships between distributors and connected generators and connected retailers in order to promote competition in the electricity industry.

Part 7 - System operator

Part 7 sets out the principal performance obligations and the functions of the system operator.

Part 8 - Common quality

Part 8 relates to common quality. It sets out the performance obligations of the system operator and asset owners, arrangements concerning ancillary services, extended reserve, and technical codes.

Part 9 - Security of supply

Part 9 relates to security of supply. It sets out provisions relating to the management and co-ordination of planned outages as an emergency measure during energy shortages.

Part 10 - Metering

Part 10 sets out certain obligations of participants in relation to metering. It also sets out responsibilities for existing and new metering installations, including processes and procedures for testing, calibrating and certifying metering installations.

Part 11 - Registry information management

Part 11 sets out obligations in relation to the management of information held by the registry; a process for switching ICPs, between retailersswitching responsibility for metering installations between metering equipment providers; and provisions relating to the management of events of default by traders.

Part 12 - Transport

Part 12 relates to transmission. It includes provisions about transmission agreements, grid reliability and industry information, the transmission pricing methodology, interconnection asset services, and the preparation of an Outage Protocol.

Part 12A - Distributor agreements and arrangements

Part 12A sets out provisions relating to distributor agreements and arrangements.  

Part 13 - Trading arrangements

Part 13 provides for processes including those that apply when; participants need to make disclosure information publicly available, purchasers and generators submit and revise bids and offers for electricity, grid owners submit and revise information, ancillary service agents submit and revise reserve offers, the system operator declares a grid emergency, the system operator collects information, the system operator prepares and publishes information from schedules and issues dispatch instructions, the clearing manager holds must-run dispatch auctions, the pricing manager collects data and produces specified prices, participants make pricing error claims and the process for a decision on a pricing error claims, the Authority determines conforming or non-conforming GXPs, calculating constrained off amounts and constrained on amounts, generators apply for approval to have co-generating station status, participants disclose information about risk management contracts, preparing and submitting spot price risk disclosure statements, FTR arrangements, including creation and allocation, and process for approving devices to be a dispatch-capable load station.

Part 13 also requires participants who trade risk management contracts on any exchange to give permission for the exchange to share their de-anonymised trading data with the Authority.

Part 14 - Clearing and settlement

Part 14 provides for: the sale and purchase of electricity to and from the clearing manager; how the clearing manager calculates and invoices amounts owing to and by the clearing manager for electricity, ancillary services, FTRs and other payments; the settlement of amounts payable under this Part; processes and remedies for an event of default; and the obligations of the clearing manager in relation to clearing and settlement, including washups, reporting and the operation of an operating account.

Part 14A - Prudential requirements

Part 14A sets out the requirements for prudential security to be provided by participants, and how they are administered by the clearing manager.

Part 15 - Reconciliation

Part 15 sets out obligations in relation to reconciliation of the electricity market. It includes provisions around data collection, preparation and submission of information to the reconciliation manager and how the reconciliation manager processes submission information.  It also sets out obligations around certification of reconciliation participants and approval of profiles used in the reconciliation process.

Part 16 - Special provisions relating to Rio Tinto agreements

Part 16 was revoked on 16 December 2013 by the Electricity Industry Participation (Revocation of Part 16) Code Amendment 2013.

Part 16A - Audits

Part 16A sets out provisions relating to participant audits to support the accurate settlement and operation of the wholesale electricity market and the use of the registry.

Part 17 - Transitional provisions

Part 17 includes transitional provisions that addresses the transition from the Electricity Governance Rules 2003 to the Code, and other specific transitional provisions that apply by way of subsequent Code amendments.