How to allege a breach
Participants can be in breach of the Act, regulations made under the Act or the Code.
Mandatory reporting of Code breaches
Regulations 7 and 8 of the Electricity Industry (Enforcement) Regulations require mandatory reporting of alleged breaches of the Code.
Under regulation 7, a participant who believes that it or another industry participant has breached a provision of parts 7, 8, 9 or 13 of the Code about common quality or security, or a related provision in Part 17 of the Code, must report the alleged breach as soon as possible after becoming aware of it.
Under regulation 8, a participant who believes that another participant has breached the Code must report the alleged breach as soon as possible.
Voluntary reporting of breaches
Regulation 9 provides that any person who believes that an industry participant has breached the Code can voluntarily report the alleged breach to us.
All mandatory and voluntary reports should include:
- the name of the industry participant alleged to have breached the Code
- the provision of the Code allegedly breached
- the circumstances of the alleged breach
- the date and time the alleged breach occurred.
Reporting breaches of the Act or regulations
There are no regulatory requirements regarding reporting breaches of the regulations and the Act. However, you can report alleged breaches of the regulation or Act through either our Compliance database or via email.
Reporting breaches via the Compliance database
Industry participants can report breaches via the Compliance database.
Reporting breaches by email as a non-participant
To report breaches by email if you are not a market participant, please complete the notification of breach form and email it to our compliance team.
Notification of breach form
Breach form- non-participant
Breach-form-non-participant.doc (DOC, 37 KB)
Last updated: 16 March 2023