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29 October 2020

Update on a decision on the 2019 UTS claim

Thank you to everyone who submitted on the preliminary decision paper in relation to the claim of an undesirable trading situation (UTS) received in December 2019.

The Authority has considered the issues raised in the submissions.

Given the complexity of the information and subsequent analysis, the Authority has decided to publish a supplementary paper for a short consultation. The consultation will seek further input on discrete matters in light of the submissions and cross submissions on the 2019 UTS claim.  

We expect to release this supplementary consultation paper on Friday, 6 November 2020, for a period of two weeks.

The Authority will make a final decision after consideration of submissions on the supplementary consultation. We intend to make a decision in December 2020.

We will publish the supplementary consultation paper on our website and notify stakeholders through market brief and social media channels.

Please contact with any questions.

Summary of the Authority's various investigations and projects underway

The Authority has four pieces of work underway in relation to reviewing, monitoring and enforcing the rules on trading conduct behaviour in the spot market. These are distinct pieces of work which collectively contribute to trust and confidence in the market. We have published a summary to help stakeholders understand the purpose of each workstream and to give an update on progress.

The summary is published on our website – October 2020: UTS; HSOTC; Compliance investigations and a market review.

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