Consultation document updated - consumer care guidelines
We have made a minor update to point 34d of the consumer care guidelines consultation document.
In response to some concerns, we have been more explicit about situations in which consumers have been electronically disconnected by industry participants without an appropriate process being followed. Specifically, we have heard that this has happened to consumers who have moved into premises previously deemed “vacant”.
The proposed consumer care guidelines seek to mitigate the risk of consumers being disconnected inappropriately. The proposed guidelines themselves have not changed.
We welcome and encourage feedback on the proposed consumer care guidelines.
UTS supplementary consultation extended
The Authority has considered a further extension to the UTS supplementary consultation period. The Authority considers the current consultation period remains sufficient and looks forward to receiving submissions on or before Tuesday 24 November 2020. However, if parties are unable to comply with this timeframe, the Authority will continue to accept submissions received before 5pm on Friday 27 November 2020.
Wellington Anniversary Day (25 January 2021)
The Authority gives notice to participants that, for the purposes of the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 (Code), Monday 25 January 2021 (Wellington Anniversary Day) is declared not to be a business day.
Extended Reserve project update
In October 2019 the Authority decided to refocus the Extended Reserve project. The sole focus and objective of the project is now to transition to a 4-block Automatic Underfrequency Load Shedding (AUFLS) scheme in the North Island.
To develop a transition plan to the 4-block AUFLS scheme, the system operator must first baseline the current 2-block scheme. A data portal allowing North Island AUFLS providers to submit and review their AUFLS armed load data is planned to go live in June 2021.
The Authority is developing a Code amendment proposal to revoke the Efficient Procurement of Extended Reserve obligations and introduce the 4-block AUFLS obligations. The Authority is planning to consult on the proposed amendment in the first half of 2021.
If you have any questions regarding the Extended Reserve project, please contact
Authority to consult on Code amendment to improve disclosure of internal transfer pricing
The Authority has reviewed the methodologies that the five largest generator-retailers use to derive their internal transfer prices, which determine the profit allocated between the generation and retailing parts of their businesses. The Authority has also examined the profitability measures that generator-retailers publish for their retailing and generation operations. This review is part of a wider body of work to promote trust and confidence in the wholesale market. The review also addresses a recommendation of the Electricity Price Review to enhance reporting on retail and generation profitability.
In most cases, the Authority found that the internal transfer prices of the generator-retailers were referenced to historic ASX futures prices. However, the internal transfer prices reported by the five generator-retailers vary significantly, reflecting different methodological choices. The Authority found there is limited public disclosure of these methodologies, and considers that improving disclosure may foster public understanding and confidence in these prices.
The Authority will release a consultation paper in the new year on a proposed Code amendment to enhance disclosure of transfer prices and methodologies. The consultation paper will seek feedback on whether disclosure of some measure of retail electricity profitability would also be valuable.
The Authority intends to release the consultation paper in March 2021.
Real-time pricing online session - Thursday 26 November
The Authority, alongside the system operator and NZX, are hosting monthly online engagement sessions covering the market changes being delivered by the real time pricing (RTP) project. In our next session, we will look in more detail at how wholesale pricing will change under real-time pricing.
Subject: What will pricing look like under RTP?
Date: Thursday 26 November 2020
Time: 3-4pm
If you would like to attend this session, and haven’t registered with the Cognise learning platform yet, please email with the following information:
- Full name
- Email address
- Contact number
- Organisation
- Role
More details about the session are available on our website.
New wholesale price APIs published
Four new wholesale price Application Programme Interface (APIs) have been published to enable greater and more timely access to forecast and real-time prices. By connecting directly to these APIs, devices can be programmed to receive the latest relevant price information and make automated, pre-determined responses. APIs help drive innovative solutions allowing more efficient decisions to be made regarding electricity usage.
More information on how to use these APIs is available below.
Reconciliation data to be published on EMI
The Authority is now making reconciled sales and purchase volumes publicly available.
This data represents the volumes that the Reconciliation Manager provides to the Clearing Manager each month for the purpose of wholesale market settlement. The data is subject to several adjustments, including adjustments for distribution losses, and may be further revised many months after first being published.
We expect this data will be widely used by analysts throughout the sector to better inform decision-making by participants and other stakeholders.
MDAG supplementary consultation - submissions published
We have published the submissions on the Market Development Advisory Group's supplementary consultation on the review of the High Standard of Trading Conduct provisions.
Thank you to everyone who has submitted on this supplementary consultation.
IPAG meeting papers published
The papers from the Innovation and Participation Advisory Group's (IPAG’s) 23rd meeting held on 21 October 2020 have now been published and are available below. The IPAG heard stakeholders’ views on Transpower’s demand response programme, considered the results of the survey of distribution businesses, discussed incentives for distribution businesses to implement flexibility services, and got further input from Transpower on its demand response programme.
UTS preliminary decision - supplementary consultation
Ending: 27/11/2020 5pm
Consumer care guidelines
Ending: 27/11/2020 5pm
2021/22 Levy funded appropriations
Ending: 8/12/2020 5pm
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