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Market Brief - 28 April 2020
Welcome to Market Brief, the Electricity Authority’s weekly update on regulatory and market developments.


Market performance quarterly review April

This review covers a broad range of topics in the electricity market and provides data and commentary. It is now published quarterly to provide visibility on the regular monitoring undertaken by the Authority. This review includes special topics on the HVDC, Pohokura outages and the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown.

Read the review

COVID-19 updates

We continue to publish regular updates and information in relation to the Authority’s response to COVID-19. 
Please visit our website for the full update including:

  • information for retailers
  • establishing an industry working group 
  • advice for consumers
  • changes to our existing work programme as we pause some initiatives to focus our resources on critical work during COVID-19.
Read more

Energy Trader Forum – Digital first

Join the first online Energy Trader Forum on Thursday, 7 May which will be free of charge. With the government's COVID-19 controls having a significant impact on both demand and generation, it’s a good time to get together and share a pathway forward.

Greg Sise - Managing Director, Energy Link and Mark Todoroff - Business Development Director, TESLA Asia Pacific will share insights into immediate, medium and long-term effects on demand. A user panel will also share the challenges ahead of them for recovery and debt management for starters. The forum will also look at topical market updates and feature a few other surprise presentations.


System Operator service customer satisfaction survey

Transpower is looking for feedback on its delivery of the system operator service. Your feedback is important as it helps to guide the key areas of focus for the coming year. In light of the COVID-19 situation, the feedback period has been extended.  

The survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

Please contact Lisa Tinkley ( if you have any questions.
Take the survey

Follow us on social media for the latest Authority news

Market Brief is our weekly newsletter and the main channel through which we provide updates about regulatory and market developments. It’s distributed by email on a Tuesday and then published on our website. Anyone can subscribe through our website and we encourage you to forward this email to anyone you know may be interested.

Sometimes we have news we want to share before the next Market Brief. We will publish updates on our website and use our social media channels to let people know. Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for the Authority’s latest news.

Current consultations

High Standard of Trading Conduct provisions: a review by the MDAG discussion paper

Ending: 04/05/2020 5pm

Read more

Hedge Market Enhancements Market Making consultation paper

Ending: 16/06/2020 5pm

Read more
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