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14 April 2020
Welcome to Market Brief, the Electricity Authority’s weekly update on regulatory and market developments.


Covid-19 update

We have published our latest update in relation to the Authority’s response to Covid-19.
Please visit our website for the full update including:
  • establishing an industry working group 
  • letters to retailers and metering equipment providers reminding them of their duty of care to domestic consumers during Covid-19
  • changes to our existing work programme as we pause some initiatives to focus our resources on critical work during Covid-19
We have also written to retailers requesting information under Section 46 of the Act. The letter is on our website. For more information, please contact

MDAG Meeting papers published

We have published the agenda and minutes from the Market Development Advisory Group (MDAG) meeting held on 19 February 2020.

We have also published updated MDAG Operating Protocols and associated correspondence.

More information

TPM CBA information paper

On Friday 17 April, the Authority will publish an information paper on its revisions to the cost benefit analysis in the Transmission Pricing Methodology: 2019 Issues Paper in response to feedback received. 

Associated code and tables will also be made available at the same time.
We will deliver a presentation on this paper through a webinar on 28 April 2020, with an opportunity for questions and answers.   

We will send more information about the webinar to interested parties. Please email by 5pm Tuesday 21 April 2020 if you would like attend.

Compliance investigations commenced and open for participants to join

The Authority has commenced investigations into the following alleged breaches of the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 (Code):
  • Energy Clearing House Limited as the clearing manager alleged that Auckland Commercial Solar Limited failed to provide the minimum security by the 4:00 pm deadline on four occasions.
  • WEL Networks Limited (WEL) alleged that Pioneer Energy Limited electrically connected an ICP supplying a newly constructed retirement village to its network without first having written approval from WEL.
  • The Authority alleged that WEL changed the ICP identifier for an ICP associated with a builder’s temporary supply.
  • The Authority alleged that eTrading did not submit a final audit report to the Authority by the date specified.
Subsequently eTrading did not maintain certification as a reconciliation participant. 

Participants who consider they are affected by any of the above matters being investigated may join as a party to the investigation. To join an investigation, participants should notify the investigator no later than 27 April 2020. The investigator’s contact details are in the notices of investigation on our website.
Current investigations

System Operator service customer satisfaction survey

Transpower is looking for feedback on its delivery of the system operator service . Your feedback is important as it helps to guide the key areas of focus for the coming year. In light of the Covid-19 situation, the feedback period has been extended.  

The survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. 

Please email Lisa Tinkley if you have any questions.
Take the survey

Rulings Panel decision issued

The Electricity Rulings Panel has issued its decision on a complaint about Transpower New Zealand Limited’s (as the grid owner) admitted breach of clause 4(4)(a)(ii) of Technical Code A of Schedule 8.3 of the Code on 25 January 2018.
The complaint was about a loss of supply to the Waikato region when the grid owner’s transformer tripped at a substation causing the protection system to operate. The breach occurred when the grid owner failed to commission and maintain the transformer’s protection system so when the system operated, it disconnected more load than necessary.
The Rulings Panel agreed the grid owner breached the Code and ordered it to pay a $75,000 pecuniary penalty. The Rulings Panel also awarded the Authority a portion of its costs.

The Rulings Panel’s decision can be found here

Current consultations

High Standard of Trading Conduct provisions: a review by the MDAG discussion paper
Ending: 04/05/2020 5pm

Read more
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