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07 April 2020
Welcome to Market Brief, the Electricity Authority’s weekly update on regulatory and market developments.


TPM CBA presentation and information paper

On 28 April 2020 the Authority will host a Zoom webinar presenting the revised CBA following consideration of submissions. The webinar will run from 9:30am to 12:30pm.
The webinar replaces the presentation originally scheduled for late March.
Before the webinar the Authority will publish an information paper that sets out the Authority’s current thinking on the CBA. We will advise the publication date in the next Market Brief.
If you would like to participate in the webinar, please email by Tuesday 21 April 2020.

UTS update

The Authority is continuing to investigate the claim of an undesirable trading situation (UTS) made by Haast Energy Trading, Ecotricity, Electric Kiwi, Flick Energy, Oji Fibre, Pulse Energy Alliance and Vocus in December 2019.
We take all claims of undesirable trading situations very seriously and follow a robust process of investigation, analysis and peer review. On 10 March we updated you about our investigation in Market Brief. At that time, we advised we had gathered all of the information required to analyse the situation in detail, and we were in the final stages of our investigation. A key part of any investigation process is fact checking. Since 10 March, we have received additional information that requires further detailed analysis.
The Authority understands a decision is important to provide ongoing certainty in the market. We also understand that a robust process supported by careful and detailed analysis, is essential to getting the right outcome. For that reason, we may not have a decision (preliminary or final) until after April 2020.
The UTS team is working at pace and we will have a better understanding of the new timeframe in the next two weeks. We will update you as soon as we know.

Meeting papers from IPAG meeting 19 published

The IPAG met for the first time in 2020 and discussed and formalised approaches for its submission to MBIE’s 'Accelerating renewable energy and energy efficiency’ consultation and it’s new project which picked up the Demand Response related recommendations from its Equal Access advice.

Read more

Current consultations

High Standard of Trading Conduct provisions: a review by the MDAG discussion paper
Ending 04/05/2020 5pm

Read more
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