29 November 2016


Welcome to Market Brief, the Electricity Authority’s weekly update on regulatory and market developments.




Response to TPM submissions postponed


In the 18 October 2016 edition of Market Brief we indicated that we would release a response to submissions on the 17 May 2016 Transmission Pricing Methodology (TPM) second issues paper, on 6 December 2016. 

We have decided to postpone the release of this document. 

We still plan to release a supplementary consultation paper on 6 December 2016; detailing refinements to the proposal contained in the 17 May 2016 TPM second issues paper.

Responses to the submissions on the 17 May 2016 TPM second issues paper will be released after submissions are received for the refinements to the proposal.

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December forums postponed


We have decided to postpone the trader and distributor forum (scheduled for 7 December 2016) and the metering equipment provider (MEP) and authorised test house (ATH) forum (scheduled for 8 December 2016). 

We have been made aware that some stakeholders had concerns about travel to Wellington while there is an increased risk of aftershocks following the 14 November Kaikoura earthquake. We have no concerns about the building these forums were to be held in, but feel it is prudent to reschedule these events to ensure all interested parties are confident to attend. We are currently finalising new dates and will advise these in next week’s Market Brief. At this stage, we are planning to reschedule the events for February 2017. 

We apologise for any inconvenience this postponement causes. Please contact marketoperations@ea.govt.nz for more information.

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Consultation paper deadlines extended


Due to the 14 November earthquake, we are aware that some interested parties were not able to return to their offices for several days.

Therefore, we have extended the deadline for accepting submissions on two consultation papers, Review of the customer compensation scheme and Review of the stress test regime, until 5 pm on Tuesday, 6 December 2016.

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Updated ancillary services procurement plan


We received no submissions on the system operator’s proposed changes to its ancillary services procurement plan. We approved the changes and gazetted a replacement procurement plan on 24 November 2016. 

The procurement plan is incorporated into the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 (Code) by reference and governs how the system operator procures ancillary services from providers. The new version of the procurement plan will take effect on 1 December 2016, which aligns with the start-date for ancillary service contracts.

We have published a decision paper to explain the changes and our rationale for approving them. The key changes are:

  1. the default timeframe for ancillary service tenders will change from 12 to 24 months, but tenders can be called more often if required
  2. new language will recognise that the HVDC link now allows frequency keeping and instantaneous reserve to be procured in one island to meet the requirements of the other island
  3. clearer wording will reflect that the system operator may procure zero MW of frequency keeping if none is required
  4. a number of drafting changes (including relocating some text) will improve the clarity and structure of the document.
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Reminder: Participant registration and information update


We remind participants that it is their responsibility to register with the Authority as a participant, and to ensure the information they provide for registration is up-to-date. Please check that all information is up-to-date including contact names and details that may have changed. All changes and updates to the participant register may be directed in the first instance to compliance@ea.govt.nz.

The participant register is available on our website.   

Failure to register or to update information is an offence under section 31 of the Electricity Industry Act 2010.

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Current consultations


Stress test regime review

We have reviewed the stress test regime to ensure it continues to promote the reliability and efficiency limbs of the Authority’s statutory objective in the face of changing market conditions.

Started: 18/10/2016; Ending 6/12/2016 5 pm

Customer compensation scheme review

We have reviewed the customer compensation scheme (CCS) to ensure it continues to promote the reliability and efficiency limbs of the Authority’s statutory objective in the face of changing market conditions.

Started: 18/10/2016; Ending 6/12/2016 5 pm

Levy-funded appropriations and strategic priorities for 2017/18

We’ve published a consultation paper setting out, and seeking feedback on, our proposed appropriations, strategic priorities, and programmes for 2017/18.  

Started: 25/10/2016; Ending 6/12/2016 5 pm

Requirements and processes for audits: New guidelines

We are consulting on guidelines and supporting information for auditors and audited participants, to reflect changes to the Code that will come into force on 1 June 2017.

Started: 25/10/2016; Ending 20/12/2016 5 pm

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