15 November 2016


Welcome to Market Brief, the Electricity Authority’s weekly update on regulatory and market developments.




Summary of submissions and decision paper for generation fault ride through Code amendment


We have decided to amend the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 (Code) to include fault ride through standards for generators. The amendments apply to the Asset owner performance obligations and technical standards covering voltage section of Part 8 of the Code. The amendment will deliver long-term benefits to consumers by contributing to the reliable supply of electricity to consumers and improving the efficient operation of the electricity industry. 

We have published a summary of submissions and a decision paper on our website. The amendment will come into force on 24 November 2016.

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Summary of submissions and decision paper for 2016 FTR allocation plan


We have decided to approve the following changes to the financial transmission rights (FTR) Allocation Plan:

  • increase the number of FTR periods auctioned each month from nine to 12
  • include a process and objective criteria for adding new FTR hubs.

These changes will deliver long-term benefit to consumers by increasing competition and efficiency in the FTR market.

We have published a summary of submissions and decision paper on our website.

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Electricity registry: Access changes from 1 March 2017


In line with industry best practices, we are upgrading some security aspects of the registry internet-facing services. The upgrades aim to improve communications security and privacy, by only offering strong encryption protocols and by mitigating attacks to intercept or tamper with client data in transit. 

We are planning to make the change to the production version of the registry on 1 March 2017. We strongly recommend that you review the detailed memo published on our website to find out if the changes affect you, and so that your in-house IT or software vendor can make any changes by 1 March 2017. 

If you or your in-house IT or software vendor have any questions about the technical details of the changes, please contact the registry engineer at registry.engineer@jadeworld.com

If you have any questions about the reasons for the changes or the timing, please contact the Market Operations team at marketoperations@ea.govt.nz.

The memo is available on our website.

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Type B industrial co-generator station application


The Fonterra Todd Cogeneration Joint Venture has submitted an application for the Whareroa industrial co-generation station to be approved as a Type B industrial co-generating station. We are assessing the application in accordance with Schedule 13.4 of the Code. 

Any comments on the application should be sent to marketoperations@ea.govt.nz by 5pm on Friday, 20 January 2017. The application is available on our website.

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Current consultations


WAG discussion paper: Instantaneous reserve event charge and cost allocation

The Wholesale Advisory Group (WAG) seeks feedback from interested parties on the Instantaneous Reserve Event Charge and Cost Allocation discussion paper. 

Started: 11/10/2016; Ending 22/11/2016 5 pm

Stress test regime review

We have reviewed the stress test regime to ensure it continues to promote the reliability and efficiency limbs of the Authority’s statutory objective in the face of changing market conditions.

Started: 18/10/2016; Ending 29/11/2016 5 pm

Customer compensation scheme review

We have reviewed the customer compensation scheme (CCS) to ensure it continues to promote the reliability and efficiency limbs of the Authority’s statutory objective in the face of changing market conditions.

Started: 18/10/2016; Ending 29/11/2016 5 pm

Code Review Programme 2016

We’ve published a consultation paper seeking views on a number of small changes we propose making to the Code.

Started: 18/10/2016; Ending 29/11/2016 5 pm

Levy-funded appropriations and strategic priorities for 2017/18

We’ve published a consultation paper setting out and seeking feedback on our proposed appropriations, strategic priorities and programmes for 2017/18.

Started: 25/10/2016; Ending 6/12/2016 5 pm

Requirements and processes for audits: New guidelines

We are consulting on guidelines and supporting information for auditors and audited participants, to reflect changes to the Code that will come into force on 1 June 2017.

Started: 25/10/2016; Ending 20/12/2016 5 pm

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