You are invited to attend the distribution pricing conference in Wellington on Wednesday, 17 August 2016. The topic of the conference is the Implications of evolving technologies for pricing of distribution services consultation paper, and follows our call for expressions of interest to attend the conference (published in Market Brief on 7 June).
We received 54 submissions on the consultation paper. Submissions raised a range of questions about how the industry can develop more efficient distribution pricing to promote the long-term benefits of consumers. In a number of cases, we feel that further information is required to robustly analyse and test the views presented in submissions.
The conference will provide an opportunity to discuss the issues raised, ask questions and expedite an industry-led approach to resolving the issues.
It will also provide an opportunity for the industry to commit to actions and provide their views on the following topics:
- the strength of incentives to introduce efficient distribution pricing structures
- pass-through of distribution pricing structures to consumers
- transition, communication and managing consumer impacts.
Brent Layton, the Electricity Authority chair, will introduce the conference.
We anticipate that conference attendees will be able to speak on behalf of their organisations.
The venue has space for 150 people. Based on expressions of interest we expect a full house. If you have already sent an expression of interest we will register you as attending the conference. If you can no longer attend the conference please let us know before registrations close. If you wish to register for the conference please email your name and organisation to, with ‘Distribution Pricing Conference” in the subject line.
Registrations close on Tuesday, 9 August 2016. Please also let us know of any special dietary requirements you have. We will confirm your attendance and provide a conference pack via email, once registrations have closed.