12 July 2016


Welcome to Market Brief, the Electricity Authority’s weekly update on regulatory and market developments.




Penrose substation outage: Implementation Plan Progress Update 31 May 2016


On 7 October 2014, the Minister of Energy and Resources wrote to the Authority requesting under section 18(1) of the Electricity Industry Act 2010 that the Authority undertake an inquiry into the Penrose substation fire that occurred on 5 October 2014. The Authority published its report on 26 November 2015. 

The November 2015 report recommended that Transpower New Zealand and Vector Limited implement changes and then report to the Authority about the progress of those changes.

We have published the first progress report on our website. It shows that the majority of actions are on track or completed. There are nine projects that have been delayed, and these are all due to be completed by September 2016.

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Summary of submissions on the implications of evolving technologies for the pricing of distribution services consultation paper


We have published a summary of the submissions received on our consultation paper about the implications of evolving technologies for the pricing of distribution services.

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Date clarification: Electricity Industry Participation Code Amendment (Requirements and Processes for Audits) 2016


As publicised in the 28 June Market Brief, we have decided to amend Parts 1, 10, 11, 15, and 17, and to create a new Part 16A of the Code.

We would like to clarify that the amendment will come into force on 1 June 2017, not 1 July 2017 as previously advised.

We apologise for any confusion caused; the date is confirmed in the Code amendment and gazette notice, which we published on our website on 30 June 2016.

For further information, the decision and reasons paper, a response to submissions, and revised cost-benefit analysis for this Code amendment are also available on our website.

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Media release: Unison did not breach Electricity Code


The Electricity Authority’s Compliance Committee has ruled that Hawke’s Bay distribution company Unison did not breach the Electricity Industry Participation Code (2010) when it introduced a new tariff for retailers. The new tariff charges retailers based on whether their customers have solar generation. 

Further details are available in our media release.

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Current consultations


Review of distributed generation pricing principles

We have published a consultation paper on our review of the distributed generation pricing principles.

Started: 17/05/2016; Ending 26/07/2016 5 pm

Transmission pricing methodology: second issues paper and proposal

We have published the Transmission Pricing Methodology second issues paper and proposal. 

Started: 17/05/2016; Ending 26/07/2016 5 pm

A file format for exchanging generally available retail tariff plan data

We have published a consultation paper which presents a draft file format for retailers to use when they provide information about their generally available retail tariff plans to any person that requests them.

Started: 28/06/2016; Ending 9/08/2016 5 pm

Wholesale market information: Review of disclosure exclusion

The WAG seeks feedback from interested parties on the Wholesale market information: Review of disclosure exclusions discussion paper. 

Started: 28/06/2016; Ending 23/08/2016 5 pm

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