The performance of the residential electricity market in 2015
We have released a publication with information and commentary on the performance of the residential electricity market in 2015.
The publication is fully digital, allowing readers to share links, download images, customise displays by changing parameters, and access the underlying data.
The publication covers:
national electricity switching rates and the estimated potential savings available to consumers in different regions
residential electricity use, including consumption levels by region and information about solar installation rates
information about the number of retailers available in different regions
information on residential electricity pricing and market structure changes
Requests for extension to TPM and DGPP consultations
We have received requests from Trustpower, Vector, the Auckland Energy Consumer Trust and the Electricity Networks Association to extend the consultation period for the TPM second issues paper. We have also received requests from the Independent Electricity Generators’ Association and Trustpower to extend the consultation period for the DGPP consultation paper.
We have declined their requests because we consider that ten weeks is enough time for interested parties to understand our proposals and prepare high-quality submissions. The TPM second issues paper and the DGPP consultation paper were released on 17 May 2016 with a deadline for submissions of 26 July 2016. This consultation period is considerably longer than the usual 6-week period that is specified in the Authority's consultation charter.
A copy of the requests, and our responses, is available on our website.
We encourage parties to continue liaising with the Authority during the consultation period, which ends for both consultations on Tuesday, 26 July 2016.
Wholesale Advisory Group recommendations on wind generation offers
The Wholesale Advisory Group (WAG) has investigated the wind offer regime and found that there are likely to be efficiency gains from applying targeted amendments to address two problems they identified. Accordingly, the WAG considers that the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 (Code) should be amended to ensure that offers reflect intentions for availability, and require notice of the withdrawal of wind generation prior to gate closure. We have included a project to evaluate the WAG’s recommendations in our work programme. We will consult on the WAG’s recommended changes as part of the Code amendment process.
The WAG’s recommendations paper is available on our website.
If you would like to comment on the WAG’s recommendations, please send an email to, with “Wind generation offers” in the subject line.
We have published papers from the 8 June 2016 meeting of the Retail Advisory Group (RAG).
The RAG met to consider a draft report on, and presentation about, the scope of the Authority’s regulatory activities for secondary networks. The RAG went on to discuss the progress of the retailer working group towards arrangements to assist medically dependent customers.
We have published papers from the 15 March and 21 June 2016 meetings of the Security and Reliability Council (SRC).
The Security and Reliability Council met on 15 March 2016 to discuss risk management, information security, thermal generation decommissioning, security of supply forecasts and the system operator’s performance for the year to 31 August 2015.
The Security and Reliability Council met on 21 June 2016 to discuss risk management, ‘edge’ technologies, core grid restoration, thermal generation decommissioning, capacity security for winter 2016, system operator performance measures, the SRC’s strategic environment and various items of general business.
National Market for Instantaneous Reserves project: Charges for generating units holding dispensation
The National Market for Instantaneous Reserves project has identified the need to change the way costs are allocated to generating units holding dispensation under sections 8.19(1) or (3) of the Code. Transpower as the system operator is seeking comment on the two approaches being considered.
A short document outlining this can be found on the system operator’s website.
Gazette Notice: Electricity Industry Participation Code Amendment (Requirements and processes for audits) 2016
As publicised in the 28 June Market Brief, we have decided to amend Parts 10, 11 and 15 and create a new Part 16A of the Code. The amendments will better align governance of the audit regime with international best practice, and improve the efficiency of the audit regime.
The Code amendment will promote the efficiency limb of our statutory objective by improving transparency and the decisions made as a result of participant audits.
The amendment will come into force on 1 July 2017.
A file format for exchanging generally available retail tariff plan data
We have published a consultation paper which presents a draft file format for retailers to use when they provide information about their generally available retail tariff plans to any person that requests them.