Distribution pricing review
We have published a consultation paper, and a supporting companion paper, on the implications of evolving technologies for the pricing of distribution services.
Started: 03/11/2015; Ending: 02/02/2016 5pm
System operator and market services review
We have published a consultation paper that proposes to amend the Code to alter the manner in which the system operator and other market operation service providers perform their roles.
Started: 08/12/2015; Ending: 10/02/2016 5pm
Operational enhancements to dispatchable demand
We have published a consultation paper on dispatchable demand during tight market conditions. We are proposing to amend Part 13 of the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 (Code) to restrict the bid prices for dispatch capable load stations (DCLS).
Started: 19/01/2016; Ending: 1/03/2016 5pm