Consultation on review of participant audit regime consultation: two additional questions
Between 10 November 2015 and 22 December 2015 we consulted on a number of proposed changes to the participant audit regime (regime). The changes included amending the Code to require the Authority to publish reports and information provided by participants, as outlined in Section 5.3 of the consultation paper.
The consultation paper did not specifically ask questions regarding Section 5.3 and not all submitters addressed that point.
We are providing a further opportunity for interested parties to comment on Section 5.3, to help inform the Authority’s decision-making process on the proposal. The proposal and estimated benefits remain as stated in the original consultation paper; the only change is the addition of questions 13A and 13B in a separate Word document.
Submissions on Section 5.3 of the review of participant audit regime consultation paper should be entered in the Word document titled Additional Questions – review of participant audit regime, and sent to The Word document is available on our website.
Submissions close at 5 pm on Tuesday, 16 February 2016.
Consultation on proposed Code amendments relating to the system operator and alignment with the statutory objective: changes to proposed new clause 7.1A
In our 8 December 2015 Market Brief, we advised that we had published a consultation paper titled Proposed Code amendments relating to the system operator and alignment with the statutory objective. The consultation paper seeks views on proposed Code amendments relating to the system operator and other market operation service providers. It includes a proposed new clause 7.1A of the Code, which extends the application of the 'reasonable prudent system operator' standard to encompass the system operator’s entire role.
Since issuing the consultation paper, we have decided that we need to revise the wording of the proposed new clause 7.1A to deliver the intended policy outlined in the consultation paper. We have made the following two changes to this proposed new clause:
changing the standard to which the system operator must carry out its role from ‘recognised international best practice’ to ‘recognised international good practice’
adding a new subclause (2) to clarify that the system operator does not breach a principal performance obligation if it complies with the reasonable and prudent obligation under proposed new clause 7.1A(1).
An updated version of the consultation paper that includes these revisions is available on our website.
Submissions close at 5 pm on Wednesday, 10 February 2016.
Transpower's open consultation on draft emergency management policy and system operator rolling outage plan
Transpower has reviewed its Emergency Management Policy (EMP) and System Operator Rolling Outage Plan (SOROP) documents.
On Monday, 11 January 2016, Transpower invited participants to provide comment on the changes that have been proposed, as well as highlighting any other changes that participants would like to see made.
The proposed drafts, a consultation support document and further details about the open consultation process are available on the Transpower website. The EMP and SOROP are incorporated into the Code by reference and the revised documents will ultimately be submitted to us for approval.
We have published a consultation paper, and a supporting companion paper, on the implications of evolving technologies for the pricing of distribution services.
We have published a consultation paper that proposes to amend the Code to alter the manner in which the system operator and other market operation service providers perform their roles.