Section 27 of the Crown Entitles Act 2004 defines the role of a responsible Minister for Crown entities.

The Cabinet Minister responsible for the Electricity Authority is the Minister of Energy and Resources. Currently, the Minister of Energy and Resources is Hon Megan Woods.

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) monitors the Authority on behalf of the Minister, carrying out the role set out in section 27A of the Crown Entitles Act.

Briefing to the Incoming Minister

The Authority provides a briefing to the incoming Minister. 

From time to time the Authority provides the Minister with briefings on specific topics. Where publicly available, these can be found on our publications page

Media & publications

Accountability documents

Under the Crown Entities Act 2004, the Minister receives draft Statement of Intent (SOI) and Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE) from the Authority. The Minister may provide the Authority with comments, which it must consider before finalising these documents. The Minister tables the SOI and SPE in Parliament. The Minister also tables the Authority’s Annual Reports to Parliament. The SOI, SPE and Annual Reports are available from our strategic planning and reporting page.

Strategic planning and reporting

Letters of Expectation

Ministers may issue letters of expectation. These are not statutory letters, but provide guidance and set out the Minister’s expectations for the Authority’s governance and planning. Letters of expectation received by the Authority are listed below. 


Statements of Government Policy

Under section 17 of the Electricity Industry Act 2010, the Minister may provide the Authority with Statements of Government Policy, which the Authority must have regard to. There are no current Statements of Government Policy.

Reviews requested by the Minister

Under section 18 of the Electricity Industry Act the Minister may require the Authority to review and report on any matter relating to the electricity industry. To date there has been one request under this section.