Archive - Transmission to enable renewables - phase 2
The Electricity Commission commenced preliminary work on Phase 2 of the Transmission to enable renewables project.
The Commission included a number of projects within Phase 2, including:
- Investigation into new TTER technologies
- further development of real options analysis
- development of GEM
- investigation into changes to the regulatory framework
- publishing the marine energy technologies report
- amendments to the Grid Upgrade and Investment Review Policy (GUIRP)
- publishing updated GEM analysis
External Reports
The Commission was assisted in this project by analysis undertaken by the following advisors:
Power Projects Limited
In order to assist with planning for future transmission and generation investments, the Commission sought advice on the potential development of marine energy generation in New Zealand. This study reviews the current state of domestic and international marine energy technologies.
David Strong & Associates
System protection schemes (SPS) are tools that maintain the power system in a satisfactory operating state following a contingency, and are usually additional to conventional power system control and protection schemes. David Strong & Associates completed a review of SPS in Australia and outlined some potential opportunities for the use of them in New Zealand.
Hydro Tasmania Consulting
Hydro Tasmania Consulting were engaged to review the opportunities for application of real-time thermal rating to overhead lines in New Zealand. This technology which is rapidly being adopted in Australia can provide a cost effective means of enabling the development of remote renewable generation sources.
Recently completed work in this area by Australian Transmission Network Service Providers may also be of interest.