Strategic planning and reporting
The Authority seeks to be transparent in its accountability processes. To do this we have a consultative approach to developing our plans and publish both statutory and management planning and reporting documents.
The pages in this section provide information on the planning and reporting process. The pages also provide links to the key documents: the Authority’s plans, reports, consultations and other documents relating to its accountability process.
The Authority’s planning and financial year is 1 July to 30 June. At any one time the Authority may be planning for the coming year, reporting on the current year and reporting on the past year.
Prior to developing our plans we consult with stakeholders on our appropriations and work priorities for the coming financial year. We also carry out annual surveys of consumers and stakeholders that provide input to our planning and reporting.
Our statutory accountability documents address the requirements of the Public Finance Act 1989, Crown Entities Act 2004, Electricity Industry Act 2010, and government directions and guidelines. Key documents are the Statement of Intent (SOI), Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE), and the Annual Report.
The Crown Entities Act 2004 was amended on 18 July 2013 to require two planning documents.
Strategy Reset 2020
We have been successful in promoting strong competitive markets. Now we’re thinking more broadly to ensure our regulation responds to a changing world.
The Statement of Intent
The Statement of Intent (SOI) is a formal public accountability document that outlines our strategic intentions for a 4-year period. The SOI may be updated at any time but at least every 3 years. The SOI is required under sections 139 and 141 of the Crown Entities Act 2004.
The Statement of Performance Expectations
The Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE) is a formal public accountability document required to be published annually. It outlines our planned work and financial information for a 1-year period. Relevant historical and forecast comparison information is also provided for the benefit of readers. The SPE is required by section 149E of the Crown Entities Act 2004.
Annual Report
The Annual Report is our formal report to Parliament on results for the past financial year. The report contains information required by sections 150–155 of the Crown Entities Act.
The Annual Corporate Plan
The Authority also publishes an Annual Corporate Plan (ACP), communicating our intended activities for the relevant financial year and demonstrating how our work supports delivery against the sector ambitions. It is aligned with and should be read alongside our SOI and SPE. The Authority reports progress updates against the ACP in four-monthly increments.