Statistics about OIA requests received

1 January 2019 –
30 June 2019
30 June 2019 –
31 December 2019
Total requests received 19 11
Withdrawn requests 0 1
Transferred requests 1 0
Extended timeframe 3 3
Completed requests 19 10
Requests unable to be  completed within legislative timeframe 0 0
Responses published on this website 6 7
Complaints to the Ombudsman about our OIA responses 0 0
Ombudsman's final views about our responses 0 0

1. Figures shown above do not include requests for information that we provide immediately and in full. The figures are only those that are formally logged in our OIA spreadsheet, on the basis that they require a considered application of the OIA.
2. The number of requests completed will not necessarily equate with the number of requests received. This is because we will have received some requests towards the end of the reporting period, but will not respond until the following reporting period.
3. We will update year-to-date figures on a 6 monthly basis.

Official Information Act responses

24 October 2019: DDA consultation timing

30 September 2019: TPM cost benefit analysis and terms of reference

27 September 2019: Use of psychometric testing

16 September 2019: ICP information

30 July 2019: Contact and Genesis trading activity

15 July 2019: Social Media Influencers

8 July 2019: Interpretation of Statutory Objectives

28 June 2019: Diversity

11 June 2019: Authority's legal team

05 April 2019: Information barriers at Genesis

27 February 2019 : Advisory group members' conflicts of interests

25 February 2019:  ICPs by 2017 Area Unit Boundaries

22 February 2019: Information on upcoming Pohokura gas pipeline maintenance