Making an information request

You can ask us to provide you with any information we hold. The easiest way to do this is by sending an email to and specifying as clearly as you can the information you'd like. You can also contact us if you would like help making a request, or if you have any questions about a request you've already made. We'll contact you if we need help understanding your request or responding to it.

Responding to your request

We'll respond to your request as soon as reasonably practicable and no later than 20 working days after we receive it. We can extend this time limit in certain circumstances, but we will advise you if we extend the time limit and tell you our reason for doing so.

We may withhold information relating to your request if there is good reason to do so under the Official Information Act.

You can complain to the Ombudsman if you do not think we have complied with the requirements of the Official Information Act, for example if you do not think we had good reason to withhold information you requested, or if you think an extension we made to the time limit for responding to your request was not reasonable. Information on how to make a complaint to the Ombudsman is available on the Ombudsman’s website(external link).

Information is already available

We'll let you know if you request information that is already publicly available.

We regularly make information available about what we're doing via this website, our Electricity Market Information website(external link), and our weekly newsletter, Market Brief. We've also made it easy for you to access information about your electricity usage, your meter and your plan.

Publishing responces

The Electricity Authority is committed to transparency. We strive to publish all our responses to requests under the Official Information Act after we have sent the response to the requestor.

Our response details the information being released and explains what information, if any, has been withheld and under which grounds of the Official Information Act.