James Stevenson-Wallace

James Stevenson-Wallace

Electricity Authority Chair Brent Layton today announced the appointment of James Stevenson-Wallace as the Authority's new Chief Executive.

Mr Stevenson-Wallace is expected to join the Authority in mid-late September from his current role as General Manager Energy and Resource Markets at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

Dr Layton says, “After a thorough process and many excellent applicants, the Authority Board is very pleased to appoint James to this role.

“It’s an exciting and challenging time for the Authority as the sector continues to transform and consumers face more choice and control over how they engage with electricity.

“James is well placed to lead the organisation through this. He brings with him both a wealth of experience and knowledge of the New Zealand energy sector and a legacy of successful senior management in regulatory environments,” Dr Layton says.

Over the past 10 years Mr Stevenson-Wallace has held various senior public sector management and advisory roles focused on industry and resource development across the primary and extractive sectors. He joined the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment as General Manager Energy and Resources in early 2014, (which includes New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals).

Prior to this, he was Director of Fisheries Management, at the Ministry for Primary Industries - responsible for operation of the NZ fisheries quota management system, research programmes, and provision of policy advice on fisheries development and marine protection policy.

James is experienced in organisational development, policy formation, operational service delivery, and compliance and enforcement. He holds a Masters in Public Policy, and degrees in Economics (Victoria), and Management (Massey).

Former Chief Executive, Carl Hansen, left the Authority on 30 June 2018. Authority General Manager, Androula Dometakis, will continue to provide Acting Chief Executive cover until Mr Stevenson-Wallace joins the Authority.

For more information:

Amanda King
Communications Manager
M: +64 21 321 831
E: amanda.king@ea.govt.nz