The review will look at TLC’s pricing and related load control practices, the incentives placed on customers, and the outcomes they influence.

Acting Chief Executive of the Authority, Androula Dometakis says “TLC’s pricing approach is quite different from other distribution companies. We will be looking in detail at TLC’s pricing methodology and the outcomes that it influences.”

“While this issue has attracted substantial attention, as required, the Electricity Authority has an open mind as to what we may find through this review.”

The Authority’s review will not consider the legality of TLC’s pricing or its communications with stakeholders, as these matters have been previously reviewed.

The review is expected to take between six and twelve months and the findings will be publically released.

More information is available at:


For more information:

Nicky Chilton
Communications Manager
021 321 831

Leah Chamberlin
Communications Adviser
021 073 7777