Information for industry
The Authority is working closely with agencies and industry to give ongoing certainty during this extraordinary time. We will continue to update this page as and when information changes.
Consumer care under COVID-19 lockdowns
On Friday, 20 August 2021 all electricity retailers received a letter reminding them of the Authority’s expectations under the consumer care guidelines. A copy of the letter to retailers is available below.
The consumer care guidelines recommend disconnections for non-payment should not occur at a time which could endanger the wellbeing of a customer or anyone in their household.
The Authority appreciates the actions retailers have already taken to support their customers.
Letter from CE to electricity retailers
Last updated: 23 August 2021
EIPCA: COVID-19 Deferred Payment of Distribution Charges 2020
The Authority has approved an urgent Code change requiring the six largest distributors to offer deferred debt payment terms to qualifying retailers.
Letter to electricity retailers: ongoing industry response to COVID-19
The Authority has sent the following letter to retailers in regards to the expectations in the delivery of electricity services during COVID-19.
The Authority will be making an urgent Code amendment this month to put in place a solution for electricity retailers facing liquidity problems who are otherwise sound but may exit the market due to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Letter to electricity retailers ongoing-industry response to COVID-19
Letter-to-electricity-retailers-ongoing-industry-response-to-COVID-19.pdf (PDF, 197 KB)
Last updated: 23 April 2020
Memo: Participant audits - helping support industry confidence through COVID 19 pandemic
The Authority has issued a memo confirming how participant audits required under Part 16A of the Code can continue during the COVID19 lockdown period.
Memo Participant Audits through COVID-19 Pandemic - April 2020
Memo-Participant-Audits-through-COVID-19-Pandemic-16-April-2020.pdf (PDF, 103 KB)
Last updated: 16 April 2020
Letter to MEPs: Looking after domestic electricity consumers during Covid-19
The Authority sent the attached letter to electricity retailers on 14 April to remind them of our guidelines for vulnerable and medically dependent consumers.
Looking after domestic electricity consumers during Covid-19 letter
MEP-Letter-blank.pdf (PDF, 170 KB)
Last updated: 15 April 2020
Letter to retailers: Information request (Section 46)
The Authority sent the attached letter to retailers on 9 April 2020 requesting information under Section 46 of the Act.
Information request Section 46 on consumer debt and disconnections
Information-request-Section-46-on-consumer-debt-and-disconnections.pdf (PDF, 207 KB)
Last updated: 14 April 2020
Letter to retailers: Electricity retailers’ duty of care for domestic consumers during Covid-19
The Authority sent the attached letter to retailers on 8 April 2020 reminding them of their duty of care to domestic consumers during COVID-19.
Duty of care letter to retailers during COVID-19
Duty-of-care-letter-COVID-19-Retailers.pdf (PDF, 280 KB)
Last updated: 08 April 2020
Metering installations where certifications expire
The COVID-19 response has made it difficult for approved test houses and metering equipment providers to maintain the certification of metering installations.
If certifications for grid exit point or grid connected generation metering are due to expire and cannot be recertified due to site access restrictions, the grid owner or grid connected generator can delay recertification, provided the following conditions are met:
a) the meter is remotely monitored for watchdog alarms, and remedial work is initiated if the alarms are activated; and
b) metered data is monitored for unexpected change; and
c) as soon as possible after the certification expires, the meter is changed and the metering installation recertified; and
d) after the meter is changed, the meter is calibration tested to determine the actual extent of any error and report the error change from the original certification testing to the Authority; and
e) during the uncertified period the metering equipment provider files a self-breach report with the Authority which should include a compliance plan. In the breach report they will confirm that metered data is monitored for unexpected change (as per b above).
We do not anticipate adverse impacts due to a short-term (3-6 months) delay on recertification.
If you have any questions please contact
This statement is specific to grid metering (grid exit point and grid connected generation). It does not apply to any other metering, including residential and small business (category 1 and category 2) metering.
Also visit our advice for consumers section.